The Arab Nationalist List invites you to protest against the Qatari regime in Brussels

الصورة الرمزية لـ ramahu

The Arab Nationalist List  invites you to protest against the Qatari regime in Brussels !

To the Qatari regime we say: Stop serving the Zio-American interests!


Following the key role of the Qatari regime and the Gulf Cooperation Council in paving the way for the NATO to destroy and occupy Libya and Syria, we invite you to join our protest in front of the Qatari embassy in Brussels.  According to us, the treacherous role of the Qatari regime is crystal clear in the following points:


1)      Spreading lies about the domestic problems in Syria through their mass media (Aljazeera, Alarabiya etc…) in order to mislead the public opinion in the Arab homeland and abroad!


2)      Offering all the necessary assistance to the ZIONIZED Syrian opposition in order to spread chaos and terror in Syria. The main purpose of this policy is to destroy the axis of resistance which is led by the current Syrian leadership  and secure the existence of Israel in the long run!


3)      The plan of the Gulf Cooperation Council to send mercenaries in the near future to Syria in order to veil the expected NATO aggression and sell it as an “Arab interference” to “protect civilians”.


We call upon the Arab community in Belgium and all the justice seeking people to participate massively in our protest action!


Date :27/11/2011

Place: Embassy of Qatar, Rue de la Vallée 51, 1000 Brussels

Time: 14h00

For more information contact: Bahar Kimyongur: 0485 37 35 32

                                                               Brahim Harchaoui: 0499 15 33 75


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الصورة الرمزية لـ ramahu

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